WG for Ocean Extremes
The Working Group (WG) for Ocean Extremes has been established to promote information exchange and research collaboration among research groups in “Habitable Japan”. The WG focuses mainly on studies of ocean extremes, which are characterized as intense ocean physical, chemical, and biological variability and related air-sea interactions that occur on relatively short time scales and small spatial scales around Japan. The mailing lists and online seminars organized by this WG are open to participation by researchers and students outside of this KAKENHI grant. If you would like to participate, please subscribe to the WG mailing list using the form below.
Name | Affiliation | Major |
YAMAGUCHI Ryohei (chair) | Researcher, Global Ocean Observation Research Center, JAMSTEC | Physical oceanography, Ocean biogeochemistry (Co-I of A01-1) |
KODAMA Taketoshi | Associate Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, U. Tokyo | Fisheries oceanography (Co-I of A03-7) |
OHISHI Shun | Research Scientist, Center for Computational Science, RIKEN | Physical oceanography (Co-I of A03-7) |
TAKAHASHI Naoya | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Niigata U. | Meteorology, Physical oceanography (Co-I of A01-2) |
Online semiar series
Date/Time | Title | Speaker (Affiliation) | |
1st | July 25th, 2024 at 12:00 | 海洋熱波研究を俯瞰する | MIYAMA Toru (JAMSTEC) |
2nd | October 10th, 2024 at 12:00 | 寒候期の大気強制がコントロールする黒潮流量の変動 | KAWAKAMI Yuma (JMA/MRI) |
3rd | December 11th, 2024 at 12:00 | 海洋が駆動する記録的な海洋熱波 — 2021年夏季の北太平洋中央部に着目して — | NISHIHIRA Gaku (Tohoku Univ.) |
4th | February 20th, 2025 at 12:00 | 2021年秋における前例のない道東赤潮:海洋低次生態系研究の現状 | KURODA Hiroshi (FRA) |
5th | TBD | TBD | TBD |
The link to the online seminar will be announced on the WG mailing list (for those outside the grant). If you would like to attend, please fill in the form below and send it to us.