Overview of the Early Career Researchers Network (Early Career HotspOttErS)

To foster networking among students and early-career researchers participating in the project and to energize the community from the bottom up, the Habitable Japan project has established the Early Career Researchers Network (ECHOES; Early Career HotspOttErS). ECHOES is led by four early-career researchers from different fields who serve as coordinators, organizing various events such as summer schools and seminars.

Hatsumi NISHIKAWAJAMSTECOcean observations (A01-2)
Satoru OKAJIMAUniversity of TsukubaMeteorology (A01-3)
Hakase HAYASHIDAJAMSTECMarine Biogeochemistry (A02-6)
Shoichiro KIDOJAMSTECOcean Modeling & Prediction (A01-1)
ECHOES Coordinators

Participation in ECHOES

ECHOES operates a mailing list and Discord server to facilitate interactions among students and early-career researchers within the project. However, participation is also open to students and early-career researchers from outside the project (primarily targeting third-year undergraduate students and above).

If you wish to join, please register using the links below.
※ If you are from outside the project, please obtain approval from your supervisor before applying.

ECHOES Mailing List Registration/Modification/Removal Form

ECHOES Discord Invitation Link

For any inquiries, please contact the Principal Investigator of the project, Eitaro Oka (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, eoka at aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp), or ECHOES coordinator Shoichiro Kido (JAMSTEC, skido at jamstec.go.jp). (Replace “at” with “@”).

Past Events

ECHOES Summer School 2024